Welcome to Literary Craft Society

Where Writers Become Weavers Of Their Craft

Fostering revolutionary writing ROOTED IN Literary liberation.

The Literary Craft Society (LCS) is a community of writers, authors, and book workers committed to fostering revolutionary writing rooted in literary liberation. We believe that writing is more than an act of storytelling; it’s a tool for transformation and change. 

Our platform is designed for writers who seek to disrupt oppressive systems, reclaim their voices, and inspire change through their work. Whether you’re an aspiring writer, seasoned writer, working on a manuscript or decolonizing your approach to writing, we offer the space, resources, and community to help you craft powerful, revolutionary books.

With an emphasis on literary liberation, we support writers in breaking free from traditional structures. Literary liberation here means reclaiming storytelling as an act of resistance and resilience, empowering writers to heal, transform, and unite communities through their work.

Our members aren’t just writers—they are agents of change, using their words to disrupt oppressive systems and inspire new possibilities for liberation. We are nurturing a movement that embraces the revolutionary potential of literature.

  • Jess - LCS Member

    “When I joined Literary Craft Society I was already in the process of writing my book, but not making much progress and feeling a little lost. Within weeks of the first chapter of their program I was feeling inspired and revolutionized about writing! I cannot say enough about Juliet, her work and dedication to the creative process as a way of resistance and revolution have been a bedrock for me in these adverse and challenging times! She has picked some amazing people to collaborate on this journey and I have also learned so much from them. Finally I would love to say as a person who has a lot of proximity to dominate culture I have appreciated the way that brining my mind and my writing to create a scope where I can express myself and also make room for others to connect to my words by decolonizing my writing process has been a true game changer for me while continuing to write. There is so much support, guidance, encouragement in this community here I hope new members just add to the support and abundance we already have here!”

  • Keia Lewis - LCS Member

    “Literary Craft Society has been a beautiful and much needed space for me. Juliet & Neva are la jefas súper- they are both so kind, compassionate and caring as well as extremely knowledgeable. They are willing to share from a truly authentic and raw space not seen in these types of classes typically (from my previous experience). They not only talk the talk, but actually walk the walk. The experience I’ve had being part of LCS thus far has been priceless. If you are looking for space to unleash your creativity and work on decolonizing your writing, this is the place for you.”

  • Amanda - LCS Member

    Juliet Diaz is an Icon and to be able to learn from the person who has written my favorite books and decks (my God her decks!) being part of the Literary Craft Society has genuinely changed my writing journey. The support and guidance I’ve received through the Revolutionary Writers program have been incredible. It helped me take my book from a vague idea to a real, structured manuscript. What I love most is the sense of community. The other members are always ready to offer advice, share experiences, and provide feedback. The monthly webinars and BookCraft sessions are always insightful, giving me new perspectives and keeping me motivated. If you’re looking for a place to grow as a writer and connect with people who share your passion, LCS is where you need to be. It’s not just about writing; it’s about being part of something bigger.

Our mission is to empower writers to reclaim their voices, free from colonial influence, and to discover the revolutionary writer within. In these unprecedented times, we need bold voices to rise—whether through poetry, novels, memoirs, YA, or any other form of written expression.
— Juliet Diaz (Founder of LCS)


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